Indy Haunted House Guide

Indianapolis, known for its rich history and vibrant culture, also harbors a darker side - a realm of spine-tingling scares and eerie encounters. With the Halloween season just around the corner, it's time to delve into the top haunted houses that promise a hair-raising experience like no other. From the bone-chilling corridors of The Thirteenth Hour to the nightmarish halls of Nightmare on Edgewood, let's embark on a journey through the most haunted attractions in the city.

The Thirteenth Hour: Indy’s Highest Rated Haunt!

If you're seeking an experience that will haunt your dreams for nights on end, look no further than The Thirteenth Hour. Tucked away in the heart of Indianapolis, this haunted house has garnered a reputation for its attention to detail, spine-chilling special effects, and a dedicated cast that knows just how to push your fear threshold. This haunted house is a journey into the realm of the undead, where restless spirits roam freely and the boundary between the living and the dead blurs. With every creaking floorboard and shadowy corner, The Thirteenth Hour offers an unparalleled level of terror, making it a must-visit for adrenaline junkies and horror enthusiasts.

Nightmare on Edgewood: Get Touched with Fear

For those brave enough to venture to the infamous Nightmare on Edgewood, prepare to have your darkest fears brought to life. This haunted attraction boasts an impressive array of macabre scenes, each meticulously designed to induce heart-pounding terror. With a sinister cast of characters that will touch you, Nightmare on Edgewood promises an unforgettable, blood-curdling experience that will leave even the most seasoned haunt-goers trembling.

Necropolis: Underground

Necropolis, a name that sends shivers down the spines of those who dare to speak it. With its eerie ambiance and meticulously crafted sets, Necropolis offers an experience that is as hauntingly beautiful as it is terrifying. Brace yourself for encounters with ghouls and phantoms as you navigate through the chilling halls of this otherworldly haunt.

Hannah Haunted Acres: A Hayride Experience

Just outside Indianapolis, Hannah Haunted Acres offers a multifaceted scare-fests. With a variety of attractions ranging from haunted hayrides to spine-chilling corn mazes, there's no shortage of ways to get your scare fix.

Indy Scream Park: A Scream at Every Turn

Indy Scream Park, an amalgamation of nightmares and horrors. Located well outside Indianapolis in Anderson Indiana, Indy Scream Park has multiple attractions, each with its own unique theme and bone-chilling story, this park offers a wide range of frights. From heart-stopping jump scares to psychologically intense encounters, Indy Scream Park is a must-visit for anyone looking to experience the full spectrum of fear.


As the Halloween season approaches, Indianapolis transforms into a realm of terror and suspense, offering a plethora of haunted attractions that are sure to test your mettle. From the unparalleled scares of The Thirteenth Hour to Nightmare on Edgewood, these haunted houses promise an experience like no other. Whether you're a seasoned haunt-goer or a first-timer, Indianapolis' haunted houses are sure to leave you with lasting memories of spine-tingling frights. Dare you step into the realm of the unknown?
